
This area of Planet Mercury contains an index of all the character bios that are currently on the site.

We have many bios online with more to come. Before you browse, you should be aware of the following though:

There are several lines of continuity in Sailor Moon. Movie continuity, Manga continuity, and a few others. Information presented on Planet Mercury, unless otherwise specifically stated, deals only with anime continuity.

We are aware that there is a distinct difference in American and Japanese Sailor Moon, but we personally feel that unlike many others, who see these differences as making the shows to totally different series, that the differences are trival and no where near enough to make such a drastic difference as to make the series seperate. Thus, when we say anime, unless specfically stated otherwise, we are discussing both the Japanese Sailor Moon and American Sailor Moon as Sailor Moon in general, because in our opinion, they are one and the same aside from a few translations.

We know others hold a different view, but that is our own and that is what the site is designed around.

Character Names:
Many characters in Sailor Moon have two names (Some even more.), a Japanese name and an American translation. On this site, we use both interchangeably. Yes, we know how that raises the ire of some Sailor Moon fans and otaku in general, and we do believe that subbs are superior to dubs in general, but we do not view the two as totaly seperate things unless it is blatantly shown to be, as in the case of Macross and Robotech for instance, but in the case of Sailor Moon, as was stated above, we don't view the show as being that different in from America to Japan. We are not Japanese or American Sailor Moon fans, we are simply Sailor Moon fans, and to us, Amy, Ami, and Ami-chan are the same wonderful and beautiful being. In this case, if you will pardon the obvious Tuxedo Mask pun, a rose by any other name does indeed smell as sweet.

That being said, feel free to browse the character bios. New ones are on the way soon. For more about episodes, attack names, and other Sailor Moon related information, check out the Fun section of the site.

Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus
Sailor Mars Tuxedo Kamen
(Tuxedo Mask)
Chibi Moon
(Chibi Moon)
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune Sailor Pluto Sailor Saturn Guardian Cats

Queen Beryl Cooan
Petz (Prizma) Wiseman / Death Phantom
(Doom Phantom)
Black Lady
(Wicked Lady)
Prince Diamond
(Prince Demando)
