Rini is the five year old daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King of the Earth from Crystal Tokyo. She came to the 20th century to find the Imperium Silver Crystal and to escape the Negamoon family. For her age, she is very intellegent and articulat(Father's side!!!). At first she is very obnoxous, spoiled, rude little girl(Acting like Serena!!!). But it is revealed that this is a front. She is in fact a lonely, scared little girl and harbors a secret. She tried to repress the memories of what happened after she took her mother's Imperium Silver Crystal, but this did not work and Rini often has flashback. She tries to keep people away from her by saying mean things. She does this to either because she does not feel worthy of being loved or to keep people from hurting her by keeping them away. After she tested the scouts she showed a much different her, one that was curious, brave, energetic, and very helpful.

While in the 20th century Rini went to Harbour Elementary. Sailor Pluto acts as Rini's guardian while she is in the Past, and communicates through the luna ball.
