Sailor Facts

These are some of the little known or seldom mentioned facts about Sailor Moon. Many of these may come as no suprise to hard core otaku, but we found them interesting and thought you might too. This facts taken from various sources.

1) A Gemstone Portent?

In the very first episode of Sailor Moon, "A Moonstar Is Born" (english dub), Molly Baker's mother is having a sell at her jewelry store, OSAP Jewlery, and announces the following gems on sale "rubies, emeralds, saphires, and diamonds". If that sounds familiar, don't be suprised. They were the third seaons' villains. Rubius (rubies), Emerald (emeralds), Saphire (saphires), and Prince Diamond (diamonds).

2) Ami Is A Slob.

Polite and proper Ami Mizuno, or Sailor Mercury, is one of the biggest slobs imaginable if she is not kept busy. Her constant school work and life as a Sailor Scout usually keep her occupied, but if she is not kept busy, she becomes slobish, lazy, messy, and generally a slacker.

3) Serena, Queen of the Universe?

Such a thing happens in the thirtieth century when Serean, under the form of Neo Queen Serenity ressurects the principles of the Moon Kingdom to create another Silver Millini under which the universe is in harmony and is ruled by Neo Queen Serenity.

4) Kissing Cousins?

This won't suprise many long time fans, but some US fans may be suprised to learn that Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus were originally bisexual and lesbian respectively. They are lovers who were switched to cousins in the American episodes because the good ol' USA is such a conservative backwater and to protect the noraml citizens who simply don't know what is good for them.

5) So Just How Many Of Them Are They?

A lot more than is shown. Just shown in the first episode alone there are many more than the inner and outer senshi or the sailor starlighters. It is theorized that every planet in the Moon Kingdom may have had a Sailor Scout. Consider that the Moon kingdom covered the entire universe, and thats a lot of potential pretty soldiers.

6) 00 Venus?

It was believed by many people that Sailor Venus, as Sailor V, was a top secret agent who worked for the government.

7) "Kitty Magic" Or "Sailor Pluto Magic"?

Rini's constant protector, the Luna Ball, is actually a link that Sailor Pluto uses to watch over Rini and give her help with. THe ball is just an extension for Sailor Pluto.

8) Malachite, Defender of Earth?

Malachite, Zoicite, Jedite, and Nephlite weren't always evil. In fact, before they joined forces with Queen Beryl, they were Prince Darien's personal body guards.

9) Thats Not Zoicite, Its A Man, Man.

Zoicite, who was portayed as female in the American version of Sailor Moon, is infact a man. Malachite and he were lovers in the original version, meaning that Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus were not the first gay lovers in Sailor Moon. Why the change? See the facts about Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune above.

10) Rei Really Is A Magical Girl.

Rei, even without her powers as Sailor Mars, is still a quite powerful user of magic.
